James C. Weatherall, Jeffrey Barber, and Barry T. Smith,
Spectral Signatures for Identifying Explosives with Wideband Millimeter-Wave Illumination.
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques Vol. 64 No. 3, March 2016.
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J.C. Weatherall, J. Barber, C.S. Brauer, T.J. Johnson, Y. Su, C.D. Ball, B.T. Smith, R. Cox, R. Steinke, P. McDaniel, and L. Wasserzug,
Adapting Raman Spectra from Laboratory Spectrometers to Portable Detection Libraries.
Appl. Spectrosc. 67, 149-157 (2013).
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Susan Hallowell, Richard Lareau, Ronald Krauss, Curtis Bell, Joshua Rubenstein, Polly Gongwer, Pamela Beresford, and James C. Weatherall,
Forensic Investigation of Explosions (2nd ed.), Beveridge, A. (Ed.),
Detection of Hidden Explosives: New Challenges and Progress (1998-2009).
Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press, (2012).
T.H. Hankins, J.S. Kern, J.C.Weatherall, and J.A. Eilek,
Nanosecond Radio Bursts from Strong Plasma Tuburlence in the Crab Pulsar.
Nature, 422, 141 (2003).
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J.C. Weatherall,
A Relativistic-Plasma Compton Maser.
The Astrophysical Journal, 559, 196 (2001).
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T. DeLaney and J.C. Weatherall,
Model for Deterministic Chaos in Pulsar Radio Signals and Search for Attractors in the Crab and Vela Pulsars.
The Astrophysical Journal, 519, 291 (1999).
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J.C. Weatherall,
Pulsar Radio Emission by Conversion of Plasma Wave Turbulence: Nanosecond Time Structure.
The Astrophysical Journal, 506 341 (1998).
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J.C. Weatherall,
Modulational Instability, Mode Conversion, and Radio Emission in the Magnetized Pair Plasma of Pulsars.
The Astrophysical Journal, 483, 402 (1997).
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J.C. Weatherall and J.A. Eilek,
Are There Two Pulsar Emission Mechanisms?
The Astrophysical Journal, 474, 407 (1997).
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J.C. Weatherall,
Streaming Instability in Relativistically Hot Pulsar Magnetospheres.
The Astrophysical Journal, 428, 261 (1994).
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G. Benford and J.C. Weatherall,
Electron Beam Radiation by Collective Compton Boosting of Strong Turbulence.
The Physics of Fluids B4, 4111 (1992).
J.C. Weatherall and W. Main,
Computer Simulation of a High Power Dielectric Cerenkov Maser Amplifier.
The Physics of Fluids B4, 1953 (1992).
W.T. Main, E. Garate, J.C. Weatherall, and R. Cherry,
A Frequency-Locked, High-Power, X-Band Dielectric Cerenkov Master.
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 20, 281 (1992).
J.C. Weatherall and G. Benford,
Coherent Radiation from Energetic Electron Streams via Collisionless Bremsstrahlung in Strong Plasma Turbulence.
The Astrophysical Journal, 378, 543 (1991).
J.C. Weatherall,
Numerical Simulations of a Relativistic Magnetron.
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Scienced 18, 603 (1990).
J.C. Weatherall,
Electron-Beam Radiation in a Strongly Turbulent Plasma.
Physical Review Letters 60, 1302 (1988).
J.C. Weatherall and W.E. Hobbs, Jr.,
Radiation by Electron Bunching in Large Amplitude Langmuir Waves.
The Physics of Fluids 29, 2292 (1986).
J.C. Weatherall,
Turbulent Heating in Solar Cosmic Ray Theory.
The Astrophysical Journal 281, 468 (1984).
J.C. Weatherall, D.R. Nicholson, and M.V. Goldman,
Steady State Turbulence with a Narrow Inertial Range.
The Physics of Fluids 26, 1103 (1983).
J.C. Weatherall, J.P. Sheerin, D.R. Nicholson, G.L. Payne, M.V. Goldman, and P.J. Hansen,
Solitons and Ionospheric Heating.
The Journal of Geophysical Research 87, 823 (1982).
B. Hafizi, J.C. Weatherall, M.V. Goldman, and D.R. Nicholson,
Scattering and Collapse of Langmuir Waves Driven by a Weak Electron Beam.
The Physics of Fluids 25, 392 (1982).
J.C. Weatherall,
Wave-wave Interaction and the Self-focusing of Langmuir Waves.
The Physics of Fluids 25, 212 (1982).
J.P. Sheerin, J.C. Weatherall, D.R. Nicholson, G.L. Payne, M.V. Goldman, and P.J. Hansen,
Solitons and Ionospheric Modification.
Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 44, 1043 (1982).
J.C. Weatherall, M.V. Goldman, and D.R. Nicholson,
Parametric Instabilities in a Weakly Magnetized Plasma.
The Astrophysical Journal 246, 306 (1981).
M.V. Goldman, J.C. Weatherall, and D.R. Nicholson,
Langmuir Collapse in a Weak Magnetic Field.
The Physics of Fluids 24, 668(1981).
D.R. Nicholson, M.V. Goldman, P. Hoyng, and J.C. Weatherall,
Nonlinear Langmuir Waves during Type III Solar Radio Bursts.
The Astrophysical Journal 223, 605 (1978).
Selected Proceedings
Suitability of Explosive Simulants for Millimeter-Wave Imaging Detection Systems,
with Duane Karns, Jeffrey Barber, Barry T. Smith, Peter R. Smith,
Proceedings of SPIE 10994, Passive and Active Millimeter-Wave Imaging XXII, 109940G; doi: 10.1117/12.2521723, (13 May 2019, Baltimore, MD)
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The Identification of Explosives in Millimeter-Wave Imaging Systems,
with Jeffrey Barber, Kevin Yam, Peter R. Smith, Joseph Greca, and Barry T. Smith,
Proceedings of SPIE 10634, Passive and Active Millimeter-Wave Imaging XXI, 10634C; doi: 10.1117/12.2307621, (8 May 2018, Orlando, FL)
PDF version
Identifying Explosives using Broadband Millimeter-Wave Imaging,
with K. Yam, J. Barber B.T. Smith, P.R. Smith, and J. Greca,
Proceedings of SPIE 10189, Passive and Active Millimeter-Wave Imaging XX, 1018906; doi: 10.1117/12.2267192 (14 June 2017, Anaheim, CA)
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Identifying Explosives by Dielectric Properties Obtained through Wide-Band Millimeter-Wave Illumination,
with J. Barber and B. Smith,
Proceedings of SPIE 9462, Passive and Active Millimeter-Wave Imaging XVIII, 94620F; doi: 10.1117/12.2177216 (19 May 2015, Baltimore, MD)
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Measurement of the Reflectivity and Absorptivity of Liquids, Powders, and Solids at Millimeter Wavelengths using Dielectric Detection by a Resonator-Post Fixture between Parallel Conducting Plates,
with J. Barber, C.S. Brauer, and B.T. Smith,
Proceedings of SPIE 8019, Sensors, and Command Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C31) Technologies for Homeland Security and Homeland Defense X, (25 April 2011, Orlando, FL), E.M. Carapezza, ed.
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Emission from Dielectric Materials at Millimeter Wavelengths in Passive Thermal Environments,
Proceedings of SPIE 7670, Passive Millimeter-Wave Imaging Technology XIII, (8 April 2010, Orlando, FL), D.A. Wikner, A.R. Luukanen, eds.
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Millimeter Wave Measurements of Explosives and Simulants,
with J. Barber, B.T. Smith, S. Duffy, S.J. Goettler, and R.A. Krauss,
Proceedings of SPIE 7670, Passive Millimeter-Wave Imaging Technology XIII, (8 April 2010, Orlando, FL), D.A. Wikner, A.R. Luukanen, eds.
Dielectric Detection by an Electromagnetic Cavity Method,
with H.F. Beckley and J.A. Gatto,
Proceedings of SPIE 5403, Sensors and Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C31) Technologies for Homeland Security and Homeland Defense III, (12-16 April 2004, Orlando, FL), E.M. Carapezza, ed.
Multi-Moding a Resonant Cavity to Detect Dielectrics,
Proceedings of the Third Aviation Security Technology Symposium, (27-30 November 2001, Atlantic City, NJ).
The New Mexico Alpha-Omega Dynamo Experiment: Modeling Astrophysical Dynamos,
Magnetohydrodynamics, with S.A. Colgate, V.I. Pariev, H.F. Beckley, M.D. Romero, 38, 122 (2002).
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The Radio-Loud Plasma in Pulsars,
with J.A. Eilek, P.A. Arendt,Jr., T.H. Hankins, Proceedings of the 270 WE-Heraeus Seminar on Neutron Stars, Pulsars, and Supernova Remnants, MPE Report 278, W. Becker, H. Lesch, and J. Trumper, eds. (Garching bei Munchen: Max Planck Institut for Extraterrestrische Physik), 249, (2002).
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Turbulent Particle Acceleration in the Diffuse Cluster Plasma,
with J.A. Eilek, in Proceedings of the Ringberg Workshop on Diffuse Thermal and Relativistic Plasma in Galaxy Clusters (19-23 April 1999, Tegernsee, Germany), MPE Report 271: Diffruse Thermal and Relativistic Plasma in Galaxy Clusters, H. Bohringerk, L. Feretti, and Pl. Schnuecker, eds. (Garching: Max Planck Institut fur Extraterrestrische Physik), 255, (1999).
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Simulation of Strong Magnetized Turbulence in the Cluster Plasma: Implications for particle Acceleration,
with J.A. Eilek, in Proceedings of the Ringberg Workshop on Diffuse Thermal and Relativistic Plasma in Galaxy Clusters (19-23 April 1999, Tegernsee, Germany), MPE Report 271: Diffruse Thermal and Relativistic Plasma in Galaxy Clusters, H. Bohringerk, L. Feretti, and Pl. Schnuecker, eds. (Garching: Max Planck Institut fur Extraterrestrische Physik), 255, (1999).
Emission Physics in Radio Pulsar Nanostructure: Theory and Observations,
with T. Hankins, in Proceedings of the 18th Century Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics (15-19 December 1996, Chicago), A.V. Olinto, J.A. Frienman, and D.N. Schramm, eds., (New Jersey: World Scientific Press), 625, (1998).
Numerical Study of the Radio Microstructure associated with the Plasma Turbulence Emission Model,
Pulsars: Problems and Progress, Proceedings IAU Colloquium, 160, S. Johnston, M.A. Walker, and M. Baile, eds., ASP Conference Series, Vol. 105 205, Sydney (8-12 January 1996).
Selected Reports
Dielectric Detection Using Resonant Radio-Frequency Waves in an Electromagnetic Cavity Device,
with H.F. Beckley and R. Krauss, Technical Report Document DHS/TSA/TSL-05/59 (November 2003).
Description of the Electromagnetic Response of Metal Objects to Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields Using Multipole Series Expansion,
DOT/TSA Technical Document (July 2002).
Comparative Study of the Interaction of Different Metals with Metal Detectors Based on Computed Multipole Moments,
DOT/TSA, Technical Document (June 2002).
Electromagnetic Interaction of Ferrous Materials with Conducting Metals in Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields,
with J.A. Gatto, DOT/TSA Technical Document (June 2002).
HPM Measurements in the Near-Field,
Technical Manuscript TM 6-341-HPM-012, General Dynamics Pomona Division (1986).
Electron Beam Induced Plasma Turbulence as a Source for Microwave Radiation,
Technical Manuscript TM 6-344-HPM-86-021, General Dynamics Pomona Division (1986).
Radiation Susceptibility of Blasting Caps,
Technical Manuscript TM 344-HPM-86-022, General Dynamics Pomona Division (1986).
Design for High Power, Long Pulse Cascaded Relativistic Magnetron,
with Keith Kato, Technical Manuscript TM 6-344-HPM-006, General Dynamics Pomona Division (1989).
Computer Simulation of the High Power Dielectric Cerenkov Maser Amplifier,
Technical Manuscript TM 6-344-AET-001, General Dynamics Pomona Division (1990).
Selected Papers Presented
Dielectric Detection by an Electromagnetic Cavity Method,
SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, Conference 5403, Orlando, FL (12-16 April 2004).
Simulated Compton Emission in Pulsars,
44th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics, Orlando, FL (11-15 November 2002).
Pulsar Radio Emission by Conversion of Plasma Wave Turbulence,
40th Annual Meeting American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics, New Orleans, LA (16-20 November 1998).
A Plasma Mechanism for Accelerating Relativistic Electrons in the Diffuse Radio Haloes of Clusters of Galaxies,
with Jean Eilek, New Mexico Symposium, National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Socorro, NM (4 November 1998).
Modulational Conversion of Plasma Turbulence,
West Coast Pulsar Forum, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA (15 November 1996).
Predicting Pulsar Radio Nanostruture,
New Mexico Symposium, National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Socorro, NM (18 October 1996).
Numerical Study of the Radio Microstructure associated with the Plasma Turbulence Emission Model,
Pulsars: Problems and Progress, IUA Colloquium 160, Sydney, Australia (8-12 January 1996).
Nonlinear Wave Phenomena in Magnetized Pair Plasma,
The Joint Meeting of The American Physical Society and the American Association of Physics Teachers, Washington, D.C. (18-21 April 1995).
Are There Two Pulsar Emission Mechanisms?,
with Jean Eilek, 185th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Tucson, AZ (8-12 January 1995).
From Beams to Photons: Nonlinear Processes in Pair Plasmas,
with Jean Eilek, New Mexico Astronomy Symposium, Socorro, NM (4 November 1994).
The Plasma Oscillating Two-Stream Instability in Pulsars,
New Mexico Tech Physics Graduate/Faculty Seminar, Socorro, NM (23 September 1993).
The Nature of Electrostatic Turbulence in Plasmas,
National Radio Astronomy Observatory Colloquium, Socorro, NM (21 May 1993).
Can a Cheng-Ruderman Bunching Process for Coherent Pulsar Emission Occur when the Pair-Plasma is Relativistically Hot?,
New Mexico Astronomy Symposium, Socorro, NM (9 February 1993).
Two-Stream Instability in Relativistically Hot Plasma,
181st Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Phoenix, AZ (3-7 January 1993).
Collective Compton Scattering in a Strongly Turbulent Plasma,
Los Alamos Astrophysics Colloquium, Los Alamos, NM (1 April 1992).